Wednesday 8 June 2016

Dean Kosage - The Tech Industry Pulling in the Same Direction

One of most admirable traits associated with the tech industry is its ability to draw together a huge network of people all pulling in the same direction. While it is no doubt a highly competitive marketplace, what ties the majority of those operating in the industry together is the hope of pulling the human race in the right direction. The technologies developed by companies in the industry, for the most part, all aim to provide solutions to long-standing human problems, and help people make their lives and professions more efficient. Whereas in some industries, the battle rages over getting the consumer to buy their product over others by clever and subversive advertising tactics (which can also be true of certain aspects of the tech industry) the tech industry does differ slightly. While there is an obvious financial need to sell products, it is the development of the technology itself, and how it works with other technologies, that fascinates and drives most of those involved.

This is why Dean Kosage, former network marketing guru and now tech-savvy entrepreneur, entered the industry. Kosage is a man who always had an eye on developing trends in various markets, and a love for the way in which technology has improved people's lives. For Kosage, it was an obvious decision to risk all he had gained by building a sterling reputation in the network marketing industry, and plunge into his own tech-enterprises. Kosage always had an interest in inspiring and helping others, and put his altruistic motives to the test when he launched Zooplr. The company, as described by Kosage, is a gamification learning management system. The aim of Zooplr was to revolutionize the way in which leaders interact with their “tribes”, and help their networks grow and prosper using mobile devices and the latest technologies. The company proved to be a huge success, and cast Kosage into the spotlight; he was later invited to join a panel committee discussing “The Fusion of Business and Devices: How the future of Mobile, Apps, Software, and community has been changed by the marriage of business and devices.” For Dean Kosage this proved to be a watershed moment of joining a team of experts and tech enthusiasts in helping the whole industry pull together and drive technologies into creating a positive future for mankind.

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